September 2014

Mystical France Retreats
with Retreat Leaders; Rev. Ana Jones & Phillip Jones, MA, LMHC

In September of 2014 Phillip & Ana will be returning to some of their favorite sacred places of France, leading 3 powerful pilgrimages there back to back...register for one, or two, or for all three! All the small details and logistics are available here!

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"Ana and Phillip Jones have a great gift for seeing what is beyond the physical world while connecting deeply with it.

Their journeys offer a great opportunity for personal growth and amazing experiences within!

I am still deciphering profound dreams and messages that came to me while on retreat with them."
          -Luci L., Shanghai China
Sept. 18 - 25, 2014 in Southern France
Mystical France SOUTH:  
The Magdalene, The Grail & You

Includes 8 days, 7 nights in the Languedoc region of Southern France, where Mary Magdalene mysteries and legends of the Holy Grail have long thrived and still "call" to people from all over the world to this day. Includes a daily spiritual pilgrimage program of dream work, gentle restorative chakra yoga, guided meditations, 'hands of light' healing, and a special MAGDALENE VISION inner journey that Ana will lead inspired by the Gospel of Mary Magdalene for 'Healing The Sacred Wound.' We will also have daily excursions as pilgrimages to power places where you will follow the footsteps and pathways of Mary Magdalene. During the time period of the Fall Equinox, here in this ancient land once known as Gaul, you will come personally into touch with the Divine Feminine at the ancient cite of Carcassonne (pictured to the right), The Seat of Isis, Rennes Le Chateau, Montsegur, Cathar Grail Castles, Sacred Healing Springs, and Ceremonial Caves. Here in these lands lie some of the greatest mysteries and intrigue of the world.

Sept. 26 - October 3, 2014 in Northern France
Mystical France NORTH: 
Angels of Paris & Soul Journey to Mont Saint Michel 
8 days / 7 nights pilgrimage in Northern France. This retreat will begin with 3 nights in the magical city of Paris. Here you will be guided on pilgrimage to sacred sites where you will come personally into touch with the profound spiritual energies present within the city and the ancient ley lines of the city. 'The Angels of Paris' will watch over us as guardians and guide our way as we discover the magnificent works of angel art at world renowned places such as : Le Madelene, Notre Dame, The Fountain of St. Michael, The Louvre, and more. Then on the Feast day of Archangel Michael, (known as Michaelmas) you will travel with our group round trip by train and bus to an ancient site that many have referred to as one of the great wonders of the world- the sacred island of Mont Saint Michel in Normandy France. The island is a special place ecologically, yet even more well known as a place that Archangel Michael has appeared and brought visions, dreams, and guidance to thousands of spiritual pilgrims for over 1,200 years. It is truly a "Light Activated" place where you can directly connect with Michael's energy in a unique way." Historically Archangel Michael appeared on the island 3 times to St. Aubert and asked for a church to be built here in his honor. Archangel Michael's presence is strong and palpable here! We will arrive on Michaelmas and stay 3 nights on the ancient island of Mont Saint Michel (The Mount of Archangel Michael --pictured to the right). This retreat will end with one final closing night in Paris where we say our farewell. Includes an entire pilgrimage program of dream work, guided meditations, angelic message transmissions, a guided walking meditation through the abbey, and two 3 hour workshops on Angelic Healing & Angelic Communication at Mont Saint Michel.

October 3-6, 2014
Mystical France: Journey Into The Sacred Heart
An Extended Weekend in Paris with 
A Special Pilgrimage to The Crown of Thorns 

You are Invited to Journey Deep into Your Sacred Heart,  where The Truth of Truths is Beheld and Bestowed.

4 day / 3 night extended weekend pilgrimage in Paris will include: A special all day trip on to the Isle de la Cite in Paris to tour Saint Chapelle, the former reliquary for The Crown of Thorns, and then on to Notre Dame for their monthly unveiling of the Crown of Thorns, the sacred relic of the passion of Christ that Notre Dame holds as their most sacred possesion. 
​Here you will come personally into touch with this sacred relic and the profound heart healing and heart opening experience this can bring.

Day 2 of this special weekend will include a 1 hour round trip train ride for a day excursion to the world renowned Chartres Cathedral (also known as Notre Dame of Chartres). We will visit an ancient celtic healing well in the HEART of the original church, see the famous eleven circuit labyrinth of Chartres, and connect our hearts with two powerful and mystical Black Madonnas. On this day we will allow ourselves time at this gothic cathedral (which sits on an even older ancient Celtic site) to engage the mysteries of the The Sacred Heart of Christ that are connected with The Divine Feminine. 

Day 3 of this extended weekend will include a morning Sacred Heart Guided Inner Journey & Workshop in the hotel conference room with Ana & Phillip. This will be followed by a day trip to Sacre Coeur ---the world famous 'Basilica of The Sacred Heart of Paris' that overlooks all of Paris with stunning views.